Zadok & Claire Johnson

Location: Burma

An Update from Zadok & Claire Johnson

Zadok and Claire Johnson are missionaries with a heart cry to fulfill the Great Commission by bringing hope, help, and love to some of the hardest places on Earth.

Undaunted Missions is currently in the active war zones of Burma, working alongside David Small of the Jungle Discipleship School, an organization teaching students of all religions what it means to have a radical relationship with Jesus Christ. Zadok and Claire will spend two of these months hiking to villages to evangelize and provide medical aid.

In a jungle country with little-to-no conveniences, the Johnsons survive only with the supplies they can carry on their backs and live in the jungle under tarps and hammocks.

About Burma

In war-torn Burma, there has been a civil war for over 76 years. At least three generations have been raised running for their lives from a dictatorship mercilessly wiping out most ethnic tribes. Russia actively supplies drones, helicopters, and fighter jets to Burmese military, making it a dangerous place to live. The thought of possible death is on the minds of villagers daily, which means their hearts are also hungry for the hope of eternal life.  

How to Pray for Us

  • Radical revival to sweep across Burma and for the name of Jesus to be lifted high!  

  • War would end and that leaders of the dictatorship would be saved

  • Safety in travels in and out of Burma (and that when bombs drop, they would never go off)

Contact Zadok & Claire

They'd love to hear from you, receive your prayers and encouragement.