Every month, HopeUC Nashville, partnered with Homestead Manor, host special nights for our community. These nights are designed to create space for our community to enjoy a fun night out! There will be lawn games set up and a food truck available! These nights are so much fun and we can't wait to see you there!
Hey church, this is our call to serve our community; to love on them, to be with them, to serve them. We are actively looking for people to join our team that can help with lawn game set up, to greet and help direct parking traffic, and to clean up and put away the games. This is an opportunity for us to step outside of our four walls of church, to extend our hand to our community and for us to shine bright for Jesus!
It's simple and undeniably our honor to create a safe and inviting place for our whole community to enjoy.
If you'd like to join our team, please fill out the form below and Jennifer Sanders will be in touch with you!