Chase & Lindy Cofer

Location: Huntington Beach, CA

An Update from Chase & Lindy Cofer

Chase and Lindy Cofer (along with their children Zion, Parker, and Brightly) are missionaries serving with Circut Riders, The Send, and YWAM. 

At Circut Riders, located in Huntington Beach, CA, the Cofers are core leaders, and oversee the prayer room and music departments as directors. They actively work to build leaders in the local music community through prayer sets, weekly discipleship, and training. 

They are part of the executive team of The Send in its event and worship departments. 

The Cofer’s mission work with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) includes travels worldwide with the Circut Riders team. Most recently, Chase served a week in Kenya sharing the freedom of Jesus to 90 young adults part of the long-term Circut Riders training school.

How to Pray for Us

  • Clear vision and increased empowerment for the young leaders of CR Music
  • Joyful transition for Parker and Zion in becoming big brothers
  • Clear vision for the Cofer family in the mindset of many open doors regarding what to focus on next 

Our Most Immediate Needs

  • Fundraising the remaining 20-25% of monthly financial traveling expenses
  • Though approaching 300 staff members, the ministry needs more servant-hearted musicians in the community
  • Increased space for bands to practice and gather over the next year

Praise Reports

  • Brightly Cofer has entered the world peacefully and healthily
  • Financial breakthrough for the family as they transition to a family of five
  • Lindy recently worked on a song with Newsboys—a childhood favorite of hers 
  • Monday Night CR gatherings continue to see the fruit of salvation and hearts ignited for Jesus among the youth of Southern California

Follow Our Journey on Social Media

Lindy's Instagram @lindy_cofer
Chase's Instagram @chase_cofer

Contact the Cofer's

They'd love to hear from you, receive your prayers and encouragement.